


How do you get more Energy from your silage? How do you increase your silage and pasture’s protein and energy yield?

Silage is essential and fundamental to the success of any dairy farm. Maximizing yields from the crops growing in your field is positive for the farm’s bottom line.

This article explains how to make the rumen thrive in every cow for efficient and consistent performance. This will help you cut costs and keep your cows healthy and sustainably, leading to easy management.

In this article:


Silage is usually made from grass crops, including maize or other cereals, using the entire green plant, not just the grain. It is a cost-effective way to feed cows and calves, mainly if it is produced on one’s dairy farm.

Furthermore, silage is rich in fiber. This is important to stimulate the fermentation of the ration and prevent health problems such as rumen acidosis. Silage also contains protein, vitamins, and minerals. This is important for growth, development, and healthy milk production.

Every cut and every season creates excitement and curiosity. What is the quality of your silage? How do changing rations affect your cows?

And above all, the question is… What effect do you see in the milking parlor for each change? An essential aspect is the rumen function. How much Energy does the cow’s rumen have?


The rumen is the cow’s engine. The rumen is one of the most essential organs in the cows’ digestive system. It is a large bag filled with liquid that can hold as much as 100 to 150 liters of feed.

The rumen is filled with microorganisms, such as bacteria and protozoa. The microflora is the fuel for the engine and helps break down fibers from the feed. When a cow eats, it enters the rumen first. The feed is then mixed with saliva. That saliva is rich in sodium bicarbonate, of which the cow produces several kilos daily. This is a natural mechanism for a healthy balance in the rumen. Saliva is like a lubricant for the engine.

The rumen’s micro-organisms, such as cellulose and lignin, can break down fibers that the cow cannot digest. This allows the cow to extract nutrients that otherwise would be unavailable from silage. This fermentation process in the rumen also produces volatile fatty acids, such as acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid. These volatile fatty acids provide about 70% of a cow’s energy.

In short, with a healthy rumen, you get more Energy from your silage! 


How do you provide the rumen maximum Energy? It is essential to support fermentation and optimize the rumen’s production and ratio of volatile fatty acids.

When the cow eats and ruminates, saliva creates a natural balance in the rumen. The rule of thumb is that for every hour a cow eats, she ruminates for about 66 minutes. This means that, on average, a cow rests for 10 hours a day, during which the production of sodium bicarbonate from saliva stops. As a result, the rumen pH becomes acidic, and the ratio of volatile fatty acids shifts to the cow’s disadvantage. This can result in rumen acidosis.

During the rest times, the rumen needs a conditioner to be balanced. pHom Norway gives the rumen more Energy for every cow, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

pHom Norway works for a longer time and aids in controlling the pH. If the rumen pH is optimal, pHom Norway hardly reacts. When the pH in the rumen drops towards acidification, the plant-based and arctic minerals start to react to restore the balance in the rumen. At the same time, the minerals are absorbed through the rumen wall.

That’s the Energy of Mother Nature!


Independent research by Schothorst Feed Research (Netherlands, 2021) and Alimetrics (Finland, 2022) shows that pHom Norway is at least two times more effective than traditional and chemically produced rumen buffers such as sodium bicarbonate. Research indicates that pHom Norway provides a better balance of volatile fatty acids, thus more energy for the cow. 

pHom Norway replaces buffer mixtures and conventional rumen buffers like sodium bicarbonate. You can also stop supplementing limestone. This also allows you to create dietary space with pHom Norway.

Het resultaat met 80 – 100 gram pHom Norway:

  • stimulates milk yield, fat, and protein;
  • more milk per pound of DM intake; 
  • supports the fermentation of energy and fiber;
  • works for every ruminant and every ration 365 days a year!

100% Noors, 100% Natuurlijk

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More Energy from your silage!

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More Energy from your silage!